Automated Website Migration Enhancements

The use of automated enhancements during the website migration process can dramatically improve a website’s accessibility, usability and search engine visibility.

In this article, we will explore ways in which WordHerd’s Automated Migration Enhancements can improve your website through use of techniques like automatic SEO optimization, alt tag and title injection, automated link checking, and website translations. We will dive into each of these areas and discuss how automations can help website owners and businesses migrate their website to a new platform with greater efficiency, accuracy, and success.

Automated SEO Optimization

During any website migration it is important to ensure that the new website is optimized for search engines to maintain or even improve its search rankings. Automated SEO optimization can help accomplish this goal in several ways when meta titles and descriptions are not already present or are low quality:

  1. Keyword Analysis: WordHerd’s migration tool can analyze the existing website’s content and provide recommendations on relevant keywords and phrases to target in the new website’s content. This can help ensure that the new website is optimized for the right keywords and phrases, which can improve its search rankings.
  2. On-Page Optimization: WordHerd’s migration tool can analyze the new website’s content and provide recommendations on how to optimize it for search engines. This can include recommendations on the length and structure of the content, as well as how to optimize titles, headings, meta descriptions, and other on-page elements.
  3. Technical Optimization: WordHerd’s migration tool can analyze the new website’s technical elements, such as page speed, mobile-friendliness, and schema markup, and provide recommendations on how to optimize them for search engines. This can help improve the website’s overall performance in search rankings.
  4. Competitive Analysis: WordHerd’s migration tool can analyze the search rankings of competitors and provide insights on how to improve the new website’s search rankings. This can include identifying keywords and phrases that competitors are targeting, analyzing their content strategies, and identifying opportunities to differentiate the new website.

Overall, automated SEO optimization can help ensure that the new website is optimized for search engines, which can improve its visibility and performance in search rankings. This can ultimately lead to increased traffic, engagement, and conversions.

Automated Link Checking

During website migration, it’s important to ensure that all the internal and external links on the existing website are working correctly and are pointing to the correct pages on the new website. Automated link checking, can help make this process faster, more accurate, and less error-prone.

Automated link checking works by scanning all the links on the existing website, and then checking them against the new website’s structure to ensure that they are pointing to the correct pages. This process can be broken down into several steps:

  1. Crawling the Existing Website: WordHerd’s link checking tools can crawl the existing website, following all the links to create a comprehensive list of all the internal and external links.
  2. Identifying Broken Links: WordHerd’s migration tool can then identify any broken links on the existing website, such as links that lead to pages that no longer exist or have been moved. This can be done using algorithms that detect HTTP response codes such as 404 Not Found, which indicate broken links.
  3. Creating a Map of the New Website: WordHerd’s migration tool can then create a map of the new website’s structure, identifying all the pages and their URLs.
  4. Checking Links against the New Website: WordHerd’s migration tool can then compare the links on the existing website against the map of the new website’s structure, identifying any links that are broken or pointing to the wrong pages.
  5. Reporting Results: WordHerd’s migration tool can then generate a report of the link checking results, including any broken links, as well as recommendations for fixing them.

Automated Content Suggestions

During website migration, it’s a good opportunity to determine ways to refresh the content on the website in order to later create new content to attract and engage users. WordHerd’s automated enhancements can be used to suggest new topics to write about, based on the existing content on the website and the interests of the target audience.

Automated content suggestions work through the analysis of your website’s existing content, identifying keywords and topics that are frequently mentioned, and then suggesting new topics that are related to those keywords and topics. This process can be broken down into several steps:

  1. Analyzing the Existing Content: WordHerd’s migration tool can analyze the existing content on the website, looking for keywords and topics that are frequently mentioned. This can help identify areas of focus for the new content.
  2. Identifying Gaps in Content: WordHerd’s migration tool can also identify areas where there is a lack of content or where the existing content is outdated or not engaging. This can help identify topics for new content creation.
  3. Researching the Audience: WordHerd’s migration tool can research the target audience, looking for their interests, preferences, and behaviors. This can help identify topics that are likely to be of interest to the audience.
  4. Suggesting New Topics: Based on the analysis of the existing content and research on the audience, our migration tool can suggest new topics for content creation. These topics can be related to the existing content, but offer a fresh perspective or new angle.

By using automated content suggestions, website owners can ensure that their newly migrated website has fresh, engaging content that is optimized for search engines and tailored to the interests of their target audience. This can help attract and engage users, leading to increased traffic, engagement, and conversions.

Automated Taxonomy Creation

During website migration, it is essential to ensure that the new website’s content is properly organized and categorized to improve user experience and search engine optimization. Automated taxonomy creation and assignment can help streamline this process by analyzing the content of each post and automatically assigning relevant categories and tags.

WordHerd’s migration tools can analyze the content of each post and identify relevant keywords and topics. Using this information, the tool can then automatically create new categories and tags or assign existing ones. This can help ensure that the content on the new website is properly categorized and easily discoverable by users and search engines.

WordHerd’s automated taxonomy creation can save website owners and businesses a significant amount of time and resources by automating a tedious and time-consuming task. Additionally, it can help improve the overall organization and structure of the website, leading to improved search engine rankings and user engagement. Integrating automation enhancements tool into the website migration process can help save time and resources and improve the overall organization and search engine optimization of the website.

Automated Website Translations

Automated website translation is a powerful tool that can help businesses expand their reach to new audiences and markets. WordHerd’s migration tools can automatically translate website content into multiple languages, allowing businesses to reach users around the world.

Automated website translation works by using natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to analyze the content of the website and translate it into the target language. This process can be broken down into several steps:

  1. Analyzing the Content: WordHerd’s migration tool can analyze the content of the website, identifying the language and structure of the content.
  2. Identifying the Target Language:WordHerd’s migration tool can then identify the target language for the translation.
  3. Translating the Content: WordHerd’s migration tool can then translate the content into the target language, using algorithms that take into account the context and structure of the content.
  4. Optimizing the Translation: WordHerd’s migration tool can then optimize the translation, ensuring that the translated content is accurate and readable in the target language.

Automated website translation can help businesses save time and resources by automating the translation process. This can help businesses expand their reach to new markets and attract new customers from around the world. When migrating websites that require translations, WordHerd leverages automation to auto-generate any number of translations to Polylang.

Automated Alt Text and Title Tags

During website migration, it is important to ensure that all images on the new website have proper alt text and title tags. Alt text and title tags provide important context for search engines to understand what the image is about, and they also help visually impaired users understand the content of the image. However, adding alt text and title tags to all images on the website can be a time-consuming and tedious task.

WordHerd’s migration tools can help streamline this process by generating alt text and title tags for images automatically. WordHerd’s migration tool can analyze the content of the image and generate a description that accurately represents the content of the image. This can be particularly useful for large websites with a large number of images.

Automation can be integrated into the website migration process, generating alt text and title tags for images where they don’t exist. This can help ensure that all images on the new website have proper alt text and title tags, improving the website’s overall performance in search rankings and accessibility.

Integrating these automation enhancements into the website migration process can help save time and resources and improve the overall accessibility and search engine optimization of the website.


From automated SEO optimization to website translations, WordHerd’s automation enhancements can provide website owners and businesses with valuable tools and insights to ensure a successful website migration. By leveraging WordHerd’s migration tools, businesses can reduce errors, save time and resources, and improve their website’s overall performance and search rankings. With our help, website migrations can be transformed from a daunting task into a streamlined and efficient process, allowing businesses to stay competitive in today’s digital landscape. It is clear that automation will continue to play a vital role in the future of website migrations and the overall success of businesses.