The Ultimate Checklist to a Comprehensive Website Platform Conversion

Converting a website platform can be a daunting task.

Migration involves the transfer of all content, images, and other assets while ensuring SEO, functionality, and user experience remain intact. To make this transition as smooth as possible, we’ve compiled a detailed guide with every minuscule aspect to consider during a website platform conversion.

Content Conversion

Content conversion is the comprehensive process of transforming the content from one format or structure to another, which is typically necessary when migrating a website to a new platform or system. This transformation entails identifying the various content types and fields, mapping them to the corresponding structure on the new platform, and potentially creating custom content types to accommodate any unique requirements. The ultimate goal of content conversion is to ensure seamless integration, maintain the content’s integrity, and preserve its appearance and functionality. This process is vital when transitioning to a new platform, as it lays the foundation for a smooth migration that minimizes disruptions to user experience and search engine optimization (SEO).

Converting Structured Content

  • Create custom content types if necessary
  • Identify content types and their fields
  • Map fields to the new platform’s structure
  • Use a website migration service to automate the conversion process
  • Identify patterns in content and create structure
  • Map content to Gutenberg blocks (paragraphs, headings, lists, etc.)

Asset Migration

Asset migration is the systematic process of transferring all digital assets, such as images, documents, videos, and other multimedia files, from one platform or system to another during a website migration. This critical task involves identifying all asset sources, maintaining their original file names and formats, organizing them in the new system, and updating the appropriate file paths and URLs. The primary goal of asset migration is to ensure that all digital assets are seamlessly integrated into the new platform, maintaining their original quality and function, and preserving their impact on user experience and search engine optimization (SEO). The asset migration process is a crucial step in a website’s transition to a new platform, as it ensures that all digital resources remain accessible, functional, and well-organized in the new environment.

Exporting Assets

  • Identify all asset sources
  • Use scripts or tools to download and organize assets
  • Maintain original file names and formats

Importing Assets

  • Use batch import tools or custom scripts to upload assets
  • Assign assets to appropriate content or media library
  • Ensure correct file paths and URLs

SEO Preservation

  • Retain image alt text and titles
  • Update internal links to assets
  • Use lossless compression to maintain image quality

Creating Redirects

A 301 redirect is a permanent server-side redirection method that informs web browsers and search engines that a requested URL has been permanently moved to a new location. When migrating a website to a new platform or changing its URL structure, implementing 301 redirects is essential to maintain the integrity of the site’s search engine optimization (SEO), preserve link equity, and ensure a seamless user experience. By correctly setting up 301 redirects, site owners can effectively redirect users and search engines to the new URLs, signaling that the content has been permanently relocated. This process helps avoid broken links, maintain the website’s ranking in search engine results, and prevent potential loss of traffic or user engagement, making 301 redirects a critical aspect of website migration and restructuring.

Identifying Redirects

  • Compile a list of all old page, image and asset URLs
  • Generate a list of corresponding new URLs

Implementing Redirects

  • Use .htaccess file, redirect plugins, or server configuration
  • Create 301 redirects for each old URL
  • Test redirects to ensure proper functionality

Hosting, DNS, and Robots Configuration

By following these steps, you can ensure that your website’s hosting, DNS configuration, and search engine accessibility are properly set up and maintained during the migration process.


  • Research and select a suitable hosting provider
  • Consider factors such as reliability, speed, and support
  • Choose a hosting plan that aligns with your website’s needs and resources
  • Set up an account and configure the server environment

Pointing DNS

  • Identify your domain registrar and log in to the account
  • Locate the DNS settings or management area
  • Update the A record or CNAME record to point to the new hosting server
  • Verify the DNS propagation using online tools or by pinging the domain

Ensuring Robots are Not Blocked

  • Review the robots.txt file to ensure it doesn’t block essential site resources
  • Remove any “Disallow” directives that block search engines from indexing the site
  • Add or update the “User-agent” and “Allow” directives for search engine bots
  • Test the robots.txt file using online tools or Google Search Console’s Robots.txt Tester

Additional Considerations

URL Structure

  • Maintain consistency in URL patterns
  • Use appropriate keywords in URLs
  • Implement canonical tags to avoid duplicate content issues

SEO Metadata

  • Preserve page titles and meta descriptions
  • Update internal and external links
  • Configure XML sitemaps and robots.txt

Performance Optimization

  • Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML
  • Implement caching strategies
  • Optimize server settings and database queries

Mobile Responsiveness

  • Ensure new platform supports mobile devices
  • Test website on various devices and screen sizes
  • Implement mobile-specific optimizations if necessary

Analytics and Tracking

  • Configure Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other tracking tools
  • Monitor performance and traffic before and after migration

Ongoing Plugin and CMS Maintenance

Effective plugin and CMS maintenance is vital for ensuring the long-term stability, security, and performance of your website. As your website evolves and grows, it’s crucial to stay on top of updates, compatibility checks, and security measures to keep your online presence running smoothly. For organizations that may not have the resources or expertise to handle these tasks in-house, outsourcing maintenance to a professional service like WordSecured can provide a reliable, comprehensive solution. By partnering with a trusted provider, you can ensure that your website’s plugins and CMS remain up-to-date, secure, and compatible, while minimizing the risk of downtime or vulnerabilities.

Regular Updates

  • Keep the CMS and plugins up-to-date to ensure optimal performance and security
  • Monitor release notes for updates that address critical issues or vulnerabilities
  • Schedule updates during low-traffic periods to minimize user impact

Compatibility Checks

  • Test plugin and CMS updates in a staging environment before applying them to the live site
  • Verify compatibility between the CMS, plugins, and site theme
  • Monitor for any conflicts, errors, or unexpected behavior after updates

Plugin Audits

  • Periodically review and assess installed plugins for necessity and performance
  • Remove unused or outdated plugins to minimize security risks and improve site performance
  • Replace problematic plugins with more efficient or reliable alternatives

Security Measures

  • Implement security plugins to protect against common threats, such as brute-force attacks and malware
  • Regularly review and adjust security settings to maintain a strong defense
  • Monitor for any suspicious activity or security breaches

Backup and Recovery

  • Schedule regular site backups, including database and files
  • Store backups in a secure, off-site location
  • Test backup restoration periodically to ensure a reliable recovery process

A successful website platform conversion requires meticulous planning and attention to detail. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can minimize the risks and challenges associated with the process, ensuring a smooth transition with minimal impact on your website’s SEO, functionality, and user experience.