5 Reasons To Migrate From HubSpot to WordPress

So, which CMS platform is better – HubSpot or WordPress? Continue reading to find out how WordPress compares with HubSpot on a number of dimensions and why you should migrate Hubspot to WordPress.

Ease of Use

The WordPress community has developed thousands of free and paid themes that you can use to get your site looking just the way you want it to look. Whether you desire a more lightweight, simple theme or prefer a theme that is pre-populated with images and content, applying a theme to your content can take just a few minutes. Whether you are looking for simplicity, or desire a more customized experience, WordPress is easy to get up and running.

With a variety of out-of-the box marketing analytics, automation, and lead generation tools, HubSpot is also easy to get up and running quickly. You can also select from a number of built-in templates, or design your own.

Although HubSpot templates will meet some of your needs, some of the time, they are difficult to integrate with other systems, which means that you may be lacking some of the functionality you require. And HubSpot does require you to learn a proprietary markup language in order to make use of dynamic content.

Establishing the look and feel of your site is one of the most important areas to consider. At WordHerd we offer custom theme development and theme matching that goes above and beyond any off-the-shelf theme you can apply. Our clients who take the time now to make custom user interface design decisions reap the benefits of higher user engagement and conversions.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

As you’d expect, both WordPress and HubSpot offer SEO capabilities. On a positive note, HubSpot’s out-of-the box SEO tools are easy to use and provide feedback on how you can positively impact page rankings. For example, HubSpot analyzes all of your site’s pages and offer suggestions on how to improve page rankings. However, one major drawback to HubSpot is that it uses its own database, and lacks integration with other databases. This limitation makes HubSpot a non-starter for any ecommerce company.

WordPress, on the other hand, offers SEO support for ecommence and non-ecommerce companies alike. First and foremost, WordPress ensures that the code it generates follows SEO best practices. As a result, WordPress sites tend to rank well on Google. In addition, WordPress includes SEO-specific features that enable you to customize meta-data for each page, and uses a simple framework and link structure that increases site load speed and makes your site’s page easy to find, index, and rank.


Cost is obviously a huge factor in determining which platform you choose. There are a variety of factors that determine pricing for your particular needs. This section provides some general guidelines about the relative cost for HubSpot vs. WordPress.

With HubSpot, while the Starter package costs only $50/month (with very limited functionality), the Professional and Enterprise packages balloon up to $800/month and $2400/month, respectively. In addition, depending on the package you choose, you’ll be required to pay a one-time on-boarding fee. For example, with the Marketing Hub Professional package the one-time on-boarding fee is $3000.

With WordPress, other than paying for web hosting, it’s FREE. A free CMS platform allows you to invest the money you’ve saved so we can work with you to create a custom branded theme. A custom theme (or a matched theme) is a service that WordHerd provides; our goal is to align the look and feel of your site with your business objectives. Even with the cost of designing and implementing a finely tuned site, you’ll still be way ahead financially by choosing WordPress.


HubSpot does offer documentation, a support forum, and employs US-based support organization. But the support is limited to mostly marketing questions rather than design or implementation questions.

WordPress also offers ample documentation available to get you started. But most importantly, WordPress is an open source project and as such has a robust community that contributes code to the platform and provides support, should you ever need it. YouTube and WordPress.tv provide a wealth of material from beginner guides to advanced tutorials.


WordPress, security is job #1. WordPress includes an auto-update feature that automatically applies updates to address security vulnerabilities. You can also manually choose to make updates by simply clicking a checkbox next to the plugins or themes to update. And because WordPress is open-source there is a large community of developers contributing code to fix issues.

HubSpot, on the other hand, is a software as a service (SaaS) platform which means that their code is proprietary with a limited number of developers working to fix bugs. While it makes intuitive sense that a a closed-source project is more secure, changes to HubSpot code are not open to the community for verification. You’ll need to blindly accept that fixes to the code resolve security issues even when they may not.

WordHerd is here to help

WordHerd specializes in migrating content from HubSpot to WordPress. We consult and partner with our clients through every step of the migration process.

You can expect our services to provide the following:

  • Together we will create a project plan that includes dates, time frames and milestones for the migration.
  • Content migration occurs in the background, while your current Hubspot site continues to operate. Working closely with you, we will ensure that all of the data from your current site is thoroughly exported to the new system.
  • We relink content, media hyperlinks and images to the new WordPress location.
  • After the migration process is complete, we will test your new site to ensure that it is operating as expected.
  • At the specified date and time, we will seamlessly switch over to the new WordPress site and ensure that you experience no downtime for your business.
  • Where required, 301 redirects will be implemented to ensure SEO equity is retained.
  • Post go-live we can maintain and manage WordPress websites for optimization and security.

If you are considering how to easily and seamlessly migrate Hubspot to WordPress, please reach out to one of our Migration Specialists for a FREE consultation by calling 602-402-9035 or send us an email.