Pro’s and Con’s of Gutenberg Page Builder

After upgrading to WordPress 5.0, you would have come face to face with the new visual WordPress editor, Gutenberg, This new addition to your dashboard was brought on by a need to add modern functionality to the WordPress editing experience. However, whether this update will be beneficial to your specific website depends on the kind of features and functionalities you have come to depend on. This article will explore the various pros and cons of the Gutenberg page builder.

Pros Of Gutenberg

Fewer Distractions with Fullscreen Mode

The new Gutenberg editor gives you the option to write content in fullscreen mode which allows you to dive deep into the writing sphere without getting distracted. You can choose to write inside the block editor by turning fullscreen mode on in the tools & options menu.

However, if you welcome distractions every now and again you can activate the semi-distraction mode. When clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of the WordPress interface, you can switch to this mode by turning the settings sidebar off or on.

Overall, Gutenberg has been designed to keep you away from backend disturbances by giving you a content-centered interface. Writers who are accustomed to’s editor will especially appreciate how Gutenberg has designed its new editing landscape.

A Flexible Editing Experience

The Gutenberg editor allows you to departmentalize your editing experience by dividing it into blocks. This allows you to create pages the way you see fit without losing any overall functionality or flexibility within your website.

Apart from the numerous customizable options that this visual editor provides, you also have access to a wide range of content types that can be added to posts and pages. Some of these content types include columns, embeds, separators, widgets, and spacers.

Furthermore, you also get access to reusable blocks that allow you to save block layouts so you can use them again when creating more pages or posts.

Essentially, the Gutenberg drag and drop system allows you to build posts with advanced layout options without having to depend on the TinyMCE toolbar. So using HTML or other shortcodes to insert more advanced elements into your website is not really necessary when making use of this editor.

However, it should be noted that the TinyMCE editor is still available in Gutenberg as a separate block and that shortcodes will also still be fully functional. These features can help ease you into using the new Gutenberg editor and give you a bit more time to get accustomed to the new functionalities to asses what works best for you.

Superb Block Functionality

Each Gutenberg block is searchable so you will have no trouble locating the blocks you need. The block arrangement in the search box is also displayed based on which blocks are used more often and grouped into categories that describe the functionality of the blocks in question.

This makes for a fairly effortless and straightforward editing experience and allows you to spend your time more productively. In addition to the search functionality, you can also easily move blocks around by making use of the drag and drop feature that accompanies Gutenberg. Lastly, you can also change the settings of each block individually by clicking on the right sidebar of the visual editor.

Cons of Gutenberg

A New Learning Curve

Gutenberg’s user interface is vastly different from the original TinyMCE editor and can take some users a while to get comfortable with the idea of breaking content creation up into blocks. This learning curve can take away time that you would ordinarily spend on your website and may frustrate some individuals that have been using the TinyMCE editor for a long time.

Compatibility Concerns

All existing plugins, frameworks or themes may not be compatible with the editor. Although Gutenberg developers strive to keep these types of complications to a minimum, especially when it comes to popular themes and plugins, it is important to test out the compatibility of your website and if it works properly with Gutenberg before updating to WordPress 5.0.

Loss of Keyboard Shortcut Functionality

A lot of keyboard shortcuts that came with the TinyMCE editor is not functional in Gutenberg. In fact, the only way that you can use them would be if you only made use of the ‘Classic’ block within this editor. Although Gutenberg has added new keyboard shortcuts to the tools & options menu that you can browse through at any time, it will still take seasoned WordPress users a while to get accustomed to this change.

The Gutenberg editor is a testament to how far WordPress has come since its inception. Although Gutenberg has been received with mixed feelings in the WordPress community, it is important to look at this editor in view of the type of website you have and if it will able to either benefit or negatively affect your online presence.

WordHerd can migrate any page builder to Gutenberg for you. Contact us today to find out more.