WordPress For Enterprise; Migrate From Sitecore To WordPress

In recent years, WordPress has been widely popularized for its versatile, accessible, and free Content Management System (CMS). It’s no wonder why many individuals and enterprises have decided to migrate to the platform.

Website migration, however, can be a daunting task. So when you do decide to migrate, you want to make sure that, firstly, you are making the right decision, and secondly, that the process is worthwhile. To ensure that you’re in the position to make the best decision for your enterprise, let’s take a look at the current position of Sitecore and potential reasons for its users to migrate to WordPress.

Sitecore For Enterprise

Sitecore is a robust, powerful software designed for commercial use. The system provides an advanced and intuitive solution created for ease of collaboration. This has contributed to the system’s popularity. It is currently driving more than 130,000 businesses in markets ranging from sports to travel.

Its scalability assists websites in adapting to various languages and territories. It also provides built-in security tools to ensure site safety and security. The platform is ideal for custom solutions for large businesses with large pockets.

The downside is that the system can be highly technical. Thus, it may require team support and entail large costs. This is often not suited to smaller enterprises – which need alternative solutions.

Why Migrate To WordPress

The best way to choose between CMSs often boils down to a comparison of the ease of use, versatility, marketing capabilities, and price.

Ease Of Use

For a CMS to be easy to understand and use, a simple and intuitive interface is crucial. A streamlined system makes for faster work and increased productivity – saving both time and money. Two main factors that determine a CMS’s ease of use are the core software functionality and the content editor.

Flexing tools such as content reusing, Sitecore makes it simple to update any site content. While WordPress requires manual operations to alter various site constituents, it has mastered the art of versioning (or revisions). So, users can preview their website updates before publishing. This is great for checking that everything looks good before making a post or an update go live.

Both Sitecore and WordPress harness powerful editors with What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) capabilities. This makes it easy to manage websites regardless of coding skills.

WordPress Is Versatile And Customizable

CMSs are capable of working with multiple aspects of business administration and website demands. The best systems provide versatility in their administration and customization features to aid easy collaboration and freedom of design.

WordPress is created with customizable themes, templates, and cloud-based hosting. This makes it easy to create and manage your website. You don’t need to have extensive knowledge of coding to make your site look perfect.

Marketing And Integration Capabilities

A website is essentially about turning visitors to customers. This can only be successful with website customization empowered by effective marketing features and third-party integration capabilities. These include things like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media, and analytics.

Sitecore employs advanced features to address various marketing demands making it well-equipped. These features include testing, e-commerce, and email marketing.

While WordPress lacks this built-in marketing support, there are numerous third-party plug-ins that can make up for this. This means that you can choose the plug-ins that best suit your needs. With over 50,000 to choose from, enterprises can customize their functionality.

WordPress can also easily integrate with the software applications your enterprise uses. This creates a more streamlined and efficient business operation.


Many enterprises are nervous about utilizing WordPress due to security concerns. However, WordPress has a security team composed of expert developers. While the core software is secure, you should always be cautious about what third-party plugins you use.


One of the most important factors for any enterprise to consider is the price of a CMS. WordPress is well-known for being one of the most affordable CMSs around. This is because you don’t need to pay for the system itself. You just need to pay for hosting, as well as any plug-ins or templates that you choose to invest in.

In contrast, Sitecore charges a monthly fee based on the various features and support that your enterprise has signed on for. This can end up costing quite a lot and you may be able to achieve similar functionality for much less by migrating to WordPress.

To Migrate Or Not To Migrate?

The most important thing to consider when choosing a CMS is the needs of your enterprise.

Although Sitecore and WordPress are two of the most robust and popular systems on the market, they are quite different. Based on the categories selected, it is clear that while Sitecore may be suitable for large enterprises with big budgets, WordPress may very well be the best option overall. Connect with us for a FREE quote today!