Historic la Mott ColdFusion to WordPress Migration

Historic la Mott Website Migration Overview

WordHerd helped Historic la Mott by migrating their website from ColdFusion to WordPress. The website migration project required new design and content migration to the WordPress platform. We approached the design of this informational website as a sort of online publication that can easily be navigated by people whom are interested in the history of this significant location. We delivered an internet experience that presents readers with a responsive way to interact with the impressive collection of articles provided by Chambres & Associates.

Historic la Mott is intended to provide its visitors with an in-depth view and review of the historic place, La Mott, Pennsylvania.




  • 200 pages and posts migrated.
  • 100’s of assets migrated per website.
  • New online publication web design.
  • Search and filter functionality for The Complete Camp William Penn Roster.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Responsive Design

All websites we migrate are 100% responsive to all screen sizes.


"We not only strongly recommend them, but we have retained them to host our site and to be our programmers as our research continues to add new material to the site."

Cold Fusion to WordPress - Historic-Lamott-PA.com

Website Migration Success Stories

Migrated to the greener pastures of WordPress.

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