Why Migrate From Motopress To Gutenberg?

Owning a successful online website takes a lot of dedication. It also takes a willingness to commit to certain tools that optimizes performance, productivity, and saves on resources. How you use your content management system should be no exception.

WordPress has come a long way and, with its newest release, has updated its default content editor to that of Gutenberg. This block editor comes packed with all the features you’d need to build and maintain a successful WordPress website.

But, with WordPress’ upgrades, plugin creators have also sharpened their toolsets regarding page builder plugins. As a result, some WordPress users have opted to try out plugins, such as Motopress, in the hopes of designing more intricate posts and landing pages.

How Motopress Differs From Gutenberg

Although Motopress does offer great perks when it comes to customizing your website, it also has some downsides. In this article, we will explore why WordPress users should migrate from Motopress to Gutenberg.

All About MotoPress

MotoPress is a drag-and-drop content editor quite similar to Gutenberg. It is also compatible with various WordPress themes. This plugin elaborates on WordPress’s functionality when it comes to spicing up posts and pages, without requiring the user to have any web developing skills.

Unlike traditional page builders, you also don’t have to make use of source code. This means you are free to stop using the plugin at any time without having to worry about removing source code from your website.

Motopress integrates with the standard editor screen in WordPress, so it won’t alter the editing experience too much. Furthermore, it’s also able to integrate with just about any theme. The plugin’s creators also offer custom WordPress themes that allow for even more versatility.

The above perks may sound perfect, but, unfortunately, the range of features that Motopress provides comes at a hefty price.

WordPress users are able to choose between the three license options, namely the personal, business, or developer license. The personal license gives you a download license for one WordPress website. The business license equips you for up to five websites. Lastly, the developer license gives you editing access to an unlimited number of websites.

Although Motopress may be a good option for established companies, it doesn’t cater to new online businesses that are still finding their feet. Seeing as Motopress’s only value addition is extra editing options, investing in this plugin on a monthly basis may not seem like a worthwhile investment for most companies.

It is also worth mentioning that Motopress’s default styling of the elements isn’t as refined when compared to other page builders. This means you will have to tinker around with the options to really get the most out of this plugin.

Why Gutenberg Might Be The Better Choice

Gutenberg is the new and improved WordPress block editor. It replaced the WordPress TinyMCE editor in the latest WordPress editor version – WordPress 5.0.

Whether you want to copy and paste directly from Google Docs or you want to simply add images right where you want them, Gutenberg’s intuitive build allows you to make effortless changes to any post or page.

All of Gutenberg’s new layout options are compatible with older themes. This means you don’t have to redesign a well-loved website when opting to go with Gutenberg.

Furthermore, Gutenberg allows you to play around with color, add anchor links to the heading blocks, or convert blocks into another type of block with just a click of a button. This effortless design of the block editor itself allows you to create beautiful page designs that stand out from the crowd without the need of additional layout options.

The best part about Gutenberg? It’s completely free. This block editor now comes standard when downloading and using WordPress. So, you won’t have to pay extra to get access to all that Gutenberg has to offer.

Other perks of designing your website using Gutenberg include:

  • using schema blocks to enhance your SEO rating
  • embedding tables in your content
  • creating custom blocks to visually represent your brand
  • building layouts that require no coding

Furthermore, WordPress also allows you to make use of reusable blocks. So, you won’t have to recreate content you plan on reusing across multiple posts or pages.

Migrating From Motopress To Gutenberg

Migrating from Motopress to Gutenberg is a relatively easy process and will enable you to invest in a block editor that is projected to grow by leaps and bounds in the next few years. Seeing that Motopress doesn’t use any shortcode, you will only be required to uninstall the plugin to stop using it.

Making the move to Gutenberg will allow you to get rid of unnecessary plugins that may weigh your website down. Not only this, but it will also enable you to save on extra resources that can be better utilized in building your online brand.